2014.12.10 University of California at San Diego (UCSD) (공학박사)
2011.12.11 University of California at San Diego (UCSD) (공학석사)
2006.02.24 인하대학교 (공학사)
Development of Cell Culture Platforms for Study of Trabecular Meshwork Cells and Glaucoma Development, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine , 제1권(집) , 제1호 , PP.1~1 , 2024.07.01
Development of eutectic gallium-indium-based transparent conductive electrodes on flexible substrates for touch sensor integration, MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY , 제157권(집) , PP.115402~115402 , 2024.06.01
Efficient Combination Chemo-Sonodynamic Cancer Therapy Using Mitochondria-Targeting Sonosensitizer-Loaded Polysorbate-Based Micelles, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES , 제25권(집) , 제6호 , PP.3474~3474 , 2024.03.20
The multiple fluorescent multi-bit DNA memory encoding system, Nano Communication Networks , 제39권(집) , PP.100497~100497 , 2024.03.01
The Fabrication of Directional Carbon Nanotube Networks by Dielectrophoresis with Layer-by-Layer Deposition, IEEE Access , 제12권(집) , 제1호 , PP.26410~26418 , 2024.02.08
Liquid Metal Electrodynamic Accumulation Microfluidics System for DNA Memory and Liquid Biopsy, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 제33권(집) , 제51호 , 2023.12.01
Processing DNA Storage through Programmable Assembly in a Droplet-Based Fluidics System, Advanced Science , 제10권(집) , 제32호 , PP.2303197~2303197 , 2023.11.14
Structural conductive carbon nanotube nanocomposites for stretchable electronics, Materials Research Express , 제10권(집) , 제3호 , 2023.03.01
Acid treatment to tune the optical properties of carbon quantum dots, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 제605권(집) , 제154,690호 , PP.1~8 , 2022.12.15
Double Layer Methylcellulose Substrate-Based Wearable Touch Sensor and Display for Communication, ACS Applied Electronic Materials , 제4권(집) , 제5호 , PP.2227~2237 , 2022.05.24
Elastic CNT nanocomposites for Joule heating and tactic sensing devices, MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES , 제29권(집) , 제13호 , PP.1874~1882 , 2022.05.13
Flexible liquid metal display using 3-Aminopropyl triethoxysilane-treated light emitting diodes (LEDs) array, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING , 제253권(집) , PP.111677~ , 2022.01.15
Programmable Nanoparticle Patterning by Droplet Electrophoretic Deposition, Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T , 제14권(집) , 제1호 , PP.3150~3160 , 2021.09.01
Dielectrophoretic Trapping for nanoparticles, high-molecule-weight DNA, and SYBR gold using polyimide-based printed circuit board, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL , 제21권(집) , 제17호 , PP.18451~18458 , 2021.09.01
Programmable DNA-Based Boolean Logic Microfluidic Processing Unit, ACS Nano , 제15권(집) , 제7호 , PP.11644~11654 , 2021.07.27
Vacuum-filtration fabrication for diverse conductive transparent cellulose electronic devices, CELLULOSE , 제28권(집) , 제5호 , PP.3081~3096 , 2021.03.01
A programmable macroscale electrical field self-assembly array device for diverse thin film applications, Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T , 제9권(집) , 제4호 , PP.8808~8819 , 2020.07.01
The poly-thymine based DNA photolithography onto electrostatic coupling substrates, Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications , 제111권(집) , PP.110795~ , 2020.06.01
A simple transparent electrode fabrication method by filling in Ag composites into scratch gap, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING , 제228권(집) , PP.111331~ , 2020.05.01
Macro-aligned carbon Nanotube–Polymer matrix by dielectrophoresis and transferring process, Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T , 제9권(집) , 제3호 , PP.4450~4457 , 2020.03.05
Ultrathin sub-3 nm nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dot layers coatedTiO2nanocomposites as high-performance photocatalysts, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS , 제714권(집) , PP.1~5 , 2019.01.16
DNA multi-bit non-volatile memory and bit-shifting operations using addressable electrode arrays and electric field-induced hybridization, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS , 제9권(집) , 2018.01.01
An Implantable Transparent Conductive Film with Water Resistance and Ultrabendability for Electronic Devices, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS INTERFACES , 제9권(집) , 제48호 , PP.42302~42312 , 2017.12.01
White-light emission of blue-luminescent graphene quantum dots by europium (III) complex incorporation, CARBON , 제124권(집) , PP.479~485 , 2017.11.01
Polymorphic Architectures of Graphene Quantum Dots, ADVANCED MATERIALS , 제29권(집) , 제31호 , 2017.08.01
Seamless aqueous arc discharge process for producing graphitic carbon nanostructures, CARBON , 제120권(집) , PP.83~88 , 2017.08.01
A Programmable DNA Double-Write Material: Synergy of Photolithography and Self-Assembly Nanofabrication, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS INTERFACES , 제9권(집) , 제1호 , PP.22~28 , 2017.01.01
Influence of MWCNTs on. beta-Phase PVDF and Triboelectric Properties, JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS , 2017.01.01
Controlled degrees of oxidation of nanoporous graphene filters for water purification using an aqueous arc discharge, CARBON , 제109권(집) , PP.624~631 , 2016.11.01
Graphene bi- and trilayers produced by a novel aqueous arc discharge process, CARBON , 제102권(집) , PP.339~345 , 2016.06.01
An Electric Field Assembler System for Micro-Nanofabrication of Energy Storage Materials, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY , 제15권(집) , PP.9287~9290 , 2015.11.01
An Aqueous Single Reactor Arc Discharge Process for the Synthesis of Graphene Nanospheres, SMALL , 제11권(집) , 제38호 , PP.5041~5046 , 2015.10.01
Device for dielectrophoretic separation and collection of nanoparticles and DNA under high conductance conditions, Electrophoresis , 제36권(집) , 제9-10호 , PP.1107~1114 , 2015.05.01