2008.09.30 University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign (이학박사)
1998.02.20 인하대학교 (이학석사)
1996.02.23 인하대학교 (이학사)
Injectable 2D Material-Based Sensor Array for Minimally Invasive Neural Implants, ADVANCED MATERIALS , 2024.08.01
Neurodiagnostic and neurotherapeutic potential of graphene nanomaterials, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS , 제247권(집) , 2024.03.01
Cortical surface plasticity promotes map remodeling and alleviates tinnitus in adult mice, PROGRESS IN NEUROBIOLOGY , 제231권(집) , 2023.12.01
Altered Metabolic Phenotypes and Hypothalamic Neuronal Activity Triggered by Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition, Diabetes & Metabolism Journal , 제47권(집) , 제6호 , PP.784~795 , 2023.11.01
Brain Mapping Using a Graphene Electrode Array, Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments , 제200권(집) , 2023.10.20
Electrophysiological measurements of synaptic connectivity and plasticity in the longitudinal dentate gyrus network from mouse hippocampal slices, STAR Protocols , 제4권(집) , 제1호 , 2023.03.17
Hybrid graphene electrode for the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in free-moving animal models, NPG Asia Materials , 제15권(집) , 제1호 , 2023.02.17
Whole Transcriptome Analysis of Hypothalamus in Mice during Short-Term Starvation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES , 제24권(집) , 제4호 , 2023.02.01
Hypothalamic TTF-1 orchestrates the sensitivity of leptin, Molecular Metabolism , 제66권(집) , 2022.12.01
A Miniaturized Wireless Neural Implant With Body-Coupled Power Delivery and Data Transmission, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS , 제57권(집) , 제11호 , PP.3212~3227 , 2022.11.01
Hippocampal interlamellar cell–cell connectome that counts, JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY , 제237권(집) , 제11호 , PP.4037~4048 , 2022.11.01
Altered synaptic plasticity of the longitudinal dentate gyrus network in noise-induced anxiety, iScience , 제25권(집) , 제6호 , 2022.06.17
Wireless graphene-based thermal patch for obtaining temperature distribution and performing thermography, Science Advances , 제8권(집) , 제15호 , 2022.04.13
Distinct Firing Activities of the Hypothalamic Arcuate Nucleus Neurons to Appetite Hormones, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES , 제23권(집) , 제5호 , PP.1~13 , 2022.03.01
Graphene-electrode array for brain map remodeling of the cortical surface, NPG Asia Materials , 제13권(집) , 제1호 , 2021.10.01
Deficiency of Tristetraprolin Triggers Hyperthermia through Enhancing Hypothalamic Inflammation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES , 제22권(집) , 제7호 , 2021.04.01
Dynamics of longitudinal dentate gyrus axons associated with seizure, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY , 제599권(집) , 제8호 , PP.2273~2281 , 2021.04.01
Adiponectin Controls Nutrient Availability in Hypothalamic Astrocytes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES , 제22권(집) , 제4호 , 2021.02.04
3D motion tracking display enabled by magneto-interactive electroluminescence, Nature Communications , 제11권(집) , 제1호 , 2020.12.27
Impairment of synaptic plasticity and novel object recognition in the hypergravity‑exposed rats, Scientific Reports , 제10권(집) , PP.15813~ , 2020.09.25
Obesity induced by estrogen deficiency is associated with hypothalamic inflammation, Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports , 제23권(집) , 2020.09.01
Characterization of Fatty Acid Composition Underlying Hypothalamic Inflammation in Aged Mice, Biomolecules , 제25권(집) , 제14호 , PP.1~11 , 2020.07.11
Hypergravity induced disruption of cerebellar motor coordination, Scientific Reports , 제10권(집) , 제1호 , PP.1~7 , 2020.03.10
Beta-aminoisobutyric acid inhibits hypothalamic inflammation by reversing microglia activation, Cells , 제8권(집) , 제12호 , 2019.12.04
Adiponectin Reverses the Hypothalamic Microglial Inflammation during Short-Term Exposure to Fat-Rich Diet, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES , 제20권(집) , 제22호 , PP.1~12 , 2019.11.15
Investigating Long-term Synaptic Plasticity in Interlamellar Hippocampus CA1 by Electrophysiological Field Recordin, Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments , 제150호 , PP.1~11 , 2019.08.02
Transient potassium channels:Therapeutic targets for brain disorders, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience , 제13권(집) , 2019.06.13
Linoleic acid rescues microglia inflammation triggered by saturated fatty acid, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS , 2019.05.21
A circuit mechanism of time-to-space conversion for perception, HEARING RESEARCH , 제366권(집) , PP.32~37 , 2018.09.01
Tinnitus: Prospects for Pharmacological Interventions With a Seesaw Model , NEUROSCIENTIST , 2018.08.01
Epidural Electrotherapy for Epilepsy, Small , 제14권(집) , 제30호 , 2018.07.26
Long term potentiation, but not depression, in interlamellar hippocampus CA1, Scientific Reports , 제8권(집) , 제5187호 , 2018.03.26
Distinct kinetics of inhibitory currents in thalamocortical neurons that arise from dendritic or axonal origin, PLoS One , 제12권(집) , 제12호 , 2017.12.18
Visfatin Triggers Anorexia and Body Weight Loss through Regulating the Inflammatory Response in the Hypothalamic Microglia, MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION , 2017.12.07
A Postsynaptic Role for Short-TermNeuronal Facilitation in DendriticSpines, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience , 제10권(집) , 제224호 , 2016.09.30
Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Induce a Form of LTP Controlled by Translation and Arc Signaling in the Hippocampus, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE , 제36권(집) , 제5호 , PP.1723~1729 , 2016.02.03
The Shaping of Two Distinct DendriticSpikes by A-Type Voltage-GatedK+ Channels, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience , 제9권(집) , 제469호 , 2015.12.09
Structural Basis of Arc Binding to Synaptic Proteins: Implications for Cognitive Disease, NEURON , 제86권(집) , 제2호 , PP.490~500 , 2015.04.09
Interlamellar CA1 network in the hippocampus, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 제111권(집) , 제35호 , PP.12919~12924 , 2014.09.02
Failed stabilization for long-term potentiation in the auditory cortex in Fmr1 knockout mice, PLoS One , 제9권(집) , 제8호 , PP.1~5 , 2014.08.12
Associative Hebbian Synaptic Plasticity in Primate Visual Cortex, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE , 제34권(집) , 제22호 , PP.7575~7579 , 2014.05.28
The kinetics of multibranch integration on the dendritic arbour of CA1 pyramidal neurons, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience , 제8권(집) , 제127호 , PP.1~11 , 2014.05.13
Integrity of mGluR-LTD in the Associative/Commissural inputs to CA3 correlates with successful Aging in Rats, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE , 제31권(집) , 제33호 , PP.12670~12678 , 2013.07.31
Aberrant light directly impairs mood and learning through melanopsin-expressing neurons, NATURE , 제491권(집) , 제7425호 , PP.594~598 , 2012.11.22
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Enhanced hippocampal CA1 LTP but normal spatial learning in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase(A)-deficient mice, NEUROBIOLOGY OF LEARNING AND MEMORY , 제5권(집) , PP.317~330 , 1998.09.01